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All OIW National Assemblies

Every year the Companions and friends meet at some significant historical site for presentations and tours. The presentations are by preeminent historians and scholars, preservationists, re-enactors, and others who love the subject and the company.

1981 (Spring) - Oklahoma City, OK (Cowboy Hall of Fame)

1981 (Fall) - Santa Fe, NM (Fort Union)

1982 - Sheridan, WY (Fort Phil Kearny/Fetterman/Custer Battlefield)

1983 - Fort Davis, TX (Fort Davis)

1984 - Scottsbluff, NE (Fort Laramie/Fort Robinson)

1985 - Fort Collins, CO (Beecher's Island/Summit Springs)

1986 - Tucson, AZ (Fort Bowie/Cochise's Stronghold)

1987 - Pueblo, CO (Sand Creek)

1988 - North Platte, NE (Buffalo Bill's Ranch/Fort Kearney)

1989 - Clinton, OK (Washita/Fort Sill)

1990 - Great Bend, KS (Fort Larned/Fort Hays)

1991 - Great Falls, MT (Bear Paws Battlefield)

1992 - Las Cruces, NM (Fort Selden/Fort Craig/Fort Cumings)

1993 - Scottsbluff, NE (Fort Robinson/Wounded Knee)

1994 - No Assembly

1995 - Missoula, MT (Big Hole Battlefield)

1996 - Tucson, AZ (Apache Wars)

1997 - Bismarck, ND (War on the Northern Plains)

1998 - Jackson Hole, WY (Rocky Mountain Fur Trade)

1999 - Amarillo, TX (Red River War 1874)

2000 - Fort Collins, CO (Plains Indian Wars)

2001 - Sheridan, WY (Battle of the Rosebud 1876)

2002 - Pueblo, CO (Sand Creek Update)

2003 - Colorado Springs, CO (Sand Creek Update)

2004 - Billings, MT (Little Big Horn Battle 1876)

2005 - Fort Sill, OK (Washita Battlefield, Black Kettle Museum)

2006 - Abilene, TX (With Mackenzie on the Texas Fort Trail)

2007 - Albuquerque, NM (Kit Carson's Southwest)

2008 - Sheridan, WY (The Bozeman Trail/Road to Little Big Horn)

2009 - Austin, TX (Texas Rangers/Outlaws/Indian Wars)

2010 - Great Falls, MT (Flight of the Nez Perce)

2011 - Salt Lake City, UT (Saints,Soldiers, Warriors, Rails)

2012 - Minneapolis, MN ("Let Them Eat Grass")

2013 - Tucson, AZ (On the Trail of Geronimo)

2014 - Lewiston, ID (Nez Perce Country)

2015 - Las Cruces, NM (Chasing Apaches, Kit Carson and Billy the Kid)

2016 - Pittsburgh, PA (George Washington & the French & Indian War)

2017 - Kansas City, MO (Gateway to the West)

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